Tratamento de cupins
Imperial Pest Prevention has carved a niche as a distinguished termite treatment company in the pest control industry. Our expertise lies in offering comprehensive solutions tailored to combat and prevent termite infestations. Recognizing the severe damage that termites can inflict on properties, we employ various strategies to address and mitigate these threats.
Our approach to termite control is multifaceted and adaptable to each client's specific needs. We begin with a thorough infestation assessment and implement effective treatment methods. These methods include liquid treatments that create a protective barrier in the soil, preventing termites from penetrating the property. This is complemented by our Termite Bait Station treatments, which are strategically placed to attract and eliminate termites effectively.
Our Tent Fumigation Services offer a robust solution in cases of extensive termite presence. This involves encasing the property with a tent and administering a powerful fumigant that ensures the eradication of termites from every corner of the structure. Our Spot Treatments are highly effective for localized termite activity, targeting specific infestation areas for quick and efficient pest elimination.
Understanding the importance of long-term protection, we also specialize in full-perimeter treatments, creating a continuous barrier around the property for enduring termite prevention. Additionally, we offer Construction Pretreatments for new buildings, providing a preventive shield against future termite invasions right from the construction phase.
At Imperial Pest Prevention, we are dedicated to providing top-tier termite treatment services. Our team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to offer the most effective termite solutions, ensuring our clients' properties are safeguarded against the destructive impact of termites. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we stand as a reliable partner for all termite-related concerns.
O que são cupins?
Um cupim está na família dos insetos destruidores de madeira que se alimentam de madeira, produtos de papel ou material de celulose. Aqui na Flórida, normalmente encontramos três tipos diferentes de cupins, que são cupins subterrâneos , cupins de madeira seca e cupins de madeira úmida. Os cupins causam bilhões de dólares em danos a empresas e residências anualmente. Os cupins representam uma grande ameaça para os proprietários de casas, mais do que tornados, raios, incêndios e furacões juntos. Estima-se que, para cada ser humano na Terra, pode haver 1.000 libras de cupins! Esses são apenas alguns motivos secundários para ter sua propriedade protegida de cupins subterrâneos, cupins de madeira seca e os danos que eles causam. Por anos, a Imperial Pest Prevention empregou as técnicas de tratamento de cupins de madeira seca e subterrânea mais avançadas tecnologicamente, oferecendo o serviço da mais alta qualidade e preços competitivos na indústria de controle de pragas . Clique neste vídeo do nosso YouTube Imperial Pest Prevention página para obter informações sobre como reconhecer uma infestação de cupins .
Que tipo de cupins existem na Flórida?
Cupins subterrâneos
Subterranean termites come from the Isoptera insect order, which has lived on earth for millions of years. There are three forms of subterranean termites: workers, soldiers, and swarmers. Each of these forms, ' castes,' has specific characteristics. Subterranean termites construct mud tubes known as shelter tubes or tunnels. Subterranean Termites require constant earth contact and build these" Mud Tubes" to shelter themselves from predators and create a highway to food sources they feed. The Subterranean termite is called subterranean because it lives underground;
Os cupins subterrâneos vêm da ordem dos insetos Isoptera, que vive na Terra há milhões de anos. Existem três formas de cupins subterrâneos, trabalhadores, soldados e enxameadores. Cada uma dessas formas, 'castas', possui características específicas. Os cupins subterrâneos constroem tubos de lama que também são conhecidos como tubos de abrigo ou túneis. Os cupins subterrâneos exigem contato constante com a terra e constroem esses "tubos de lama" para se protegerem dos predadores e criar uma estrada para as fontes de alimento nas quais se alimentam. O cupim subterrâneo chama o nome de subterrâneo porque vive no subsolo; colônias subterrâneas podem consistir em números na casa dos milhões; por essa razão, os cupins subterrâneos são as espécies de cupins mais destrutivas. Os cupins são uma fonte de energia constante para não dormir. Eles vão se alimentar de forma consistente 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana e todos os 365 dias do ano sem parar, com mandíbulas que destroem facilmente a madeira em um ritmo rápido. Se não forem tratados, os cupins subterrâneos causarão danos em massa à casa a ponto de se tornarem estruturais e, por fim, resultar em reparos caros. Se você suspeitar de uma infestação de cupins ou de ver insetos por perto, é melhor entrar em contato com um especialista em controle de pragas como Imperial Pest Prevention (386) ou conoscoem 956-9506, para que possamos realizar uma inspeção WDO e discutir opções subterrâneas de tratamento de cupins .
Drywood Termites
Drywood termites, wood-destroying insects, generally live, feed, and nest in wood containing deficient moisture levels. Drywood Termites do not require earth contact as Subterranean termites do. In Florida, we are in a very humid state.
Because of this, undamaged wood like that in your home contains a moisture content to a certain degree. This amount of moisture is enough for drywood termites to pull a food and moisture source, resulting in them thriving.
A byproduct of Drywood Termites feeding is fecal pellets known as frass. Frass is small 6-sided concave pellets resembling coffee grounds and is extremely hard. These small pellets are usually how a homeowner finds out that Drywood Termites feed on their home. Often, a homeowner sees them in a neat little pile and cleans or vacuums them up, only to find them quickly return.
If you suspect a termite infestation or see insects around, it is best to contact a pest control specialist like Imperial Pest Prevention; call us at (386) 956-9506 so we can perform a WDO Inspection and discuss Drywood termite treatment options. Since Drywood Termites do not require ground contact, they have also been known to infest furniture. Many documented cases exist, especially with antique collectors who buy a secondhand piece of furniture to discover later that it had Drywood Termites. Drywood termites will not discriminate against any wood, contrary to many people's beliefs. They will readily consume timbers, framing, flooring, and other types of woodwork in buildings and furniture.
If you notice any possible signs of termites, we recommend you contact us at (386) 956-9506, so we can evaluate what you may be seeing. Drywood Termite treatments can be as simple as a spot treatment and as severe as needing a tent fumigation specialist. To see treatment options, please click this link for Termite Treatment Options.